Bible teacher, author, and radio host

The Narrow Path is the radio and internet ministry of Steve Gregg, a servant Bible teacher to the body of Christ. We hope that you find benefit from the valuable resources offered here without charge.

author book

The ministry continues because God provides servant coworkers, who tirelessly labor and generously finance the ministry. We trust that God will provide all our needs as long as it is His will that we continue – as He has done since the program began in 1997.

If you would like to listen to Steve’s live broadcasts, but do not live in an area where it is broadcast, you may do so by visiting the Radio Program page. There you will find a links to listen to either the “live” broadcasts, or to the archived programs. They are also found at & It is possible to subscribe to the podcast of the show, which is found here:

There is a Narrow Path mobile app available. From the app, you can listen to the live radio program, archived radio broadcasts, podcasts, and over1500 in-depth Bible lectures.

other_side_of_darkness david_gregg

Other Side of Darkness by David Gregg

Audio & Video resources

  • Archives of past radio broadcasts

  • Topical Bible lectures

  • Verse by verse Bible lectures

  • YouTube: Soulsnaxx, Videos

  • Other Resources & Links

Printed resources

  • Discipleship manuals - comic book form

  • Topical articles by Steve Gregg

  • Bible study notes by Steve Gregg 

  • List of Radio Stations

Ministry & Financial 

  • Statement of Faith 

  • Steve’s Biography

  • Financial Info & Donor links

Videographer/Artist: Ian Swarbrick,
Voice: Terry Anderson (filmed in Switzerland)

Social Media

Connect with the narrow path social media

Designed by John Kent